Best Summer Activities for Dog Owners + Safety Tips

The American Pet Products Association reports that nearly 85 million households have a pet of one kind or another. That might be a dog, cat, fish, gerbil or something else entirely. Regardless of what type of pet you have, pet care is an important part of your life this summer. For those going on vacations, pet boarding service is probably something on your mind.

This is especially true for dog owners. Local pet care is an important aspect of being a dog owner. Knowing when and how to seek care is important to the health of your pup. That being said, there are probably plenty of activities you will be doing this summer where you don’t want a pet daycare. If that is the case, here are some tips for keeping you and your pup safe while having fun this summer. Brought to you by your favorite local pet care.

Water and Shade are Gold: Any local pet care can tell you that dehydration is a real problem for dogs during the summer. Many owners forget that dogs do not have the same cooling mechanisms as humans do (sweating), and instead pant to release excessive heat. That means when it gets hot, dogs have a much higher need for water than we do. Some of the signs of dehydration are dry gums, excessive drooling, and extreme panting. While you are planning your summer activities if your dog is coming along be sure to plan for plenty of water and shade. Additionally, make sure your dog always has access to cool water and shaded areas while at home, whether that is inside or outside. Even indoor dogs can be prone to dehydration in the summer as the home heats up. If you do any running, biking, or other physical activity that requires your dog to run with you, be sure to stop in the shade frequently to allow your dog time to cool off.

Be Familiar with Signs of Danger: A dog’s normal body temperature is slightly higher than a human’s, coming in at 100 degrees to 103 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything above 103 degrees is a danger signal for your dog. Here are some signs that your dog is overheating and might need medical attention: heavy panting, dry or bright red gums, thick drool, vomiting, diarrhea, shaky legs. If your dog is experiencing these symptoms, get them to a cool place and give them access to water. Potentially place a damp towel over your dog’s body to help them cool off, however, do not place your dog in cold water. This can put them into shock.

Never. NEVER. Leave Your Dog In a Car: It is heartbreaking to hear the statistics of how many dogs die each year because they were left in a hot car. Remember, that the interior temperature of a car is going to be much hotter than the temperature outside. Pets can develop a heat stroke in less than 10 minutes if left inside of a hot vehicle. Some states have already issued “hot car” laws that make it illegal to leave your dog in a hot car. However, even if it isn’t illegal, do you really want to chance coming back to your car only to see your dog dead? Of course not.

Don’t Shave Your Dog: Whether you think it is cute or you think it is a solution to overheating, don’t do it. Dogs coats are designed to keep them warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Of course, you should regularly brush your dog to keep the fur from getting matted. Shaving, however, can cause your dog to overheat and can make them more prone to sunburns (yes, dogs can get sunburned too). If you want to trim your dog’s fur, leave at least a full inch of hair (if your dog is long haired) to protect the skin.

Now that you know some of the most important safety principles this summer, it is time to have some fun with your dog! Get out and go play, make some memories that both of you will remember. Have fun this summer!

3 Summer Vacation Preparation Tips

local cat boardingSummer is finally here, and that means it’s at last time for summer vacations. As many as 96% of American workers say vacation time is important to them, so if you’ve been excited for your travel plans this summer, you’re not alone. Before you leave for your vacation this summer, make sure you follow these steps to fully get ready for a great summer trip.

Pack For The Unexpected

While you might have your general plans laid out for your vacation, there are always a few surprises that come up during travel. Pack for all your scheduled activities, but don’t forget to add a few extra essentials from your closet just in case. You never know if you’ll find a nice restaurant you want to check out, or if there’s going to be an opportunity for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.

Triple Check Travel Plans

You’ve finally finished packing, but do you remember what time your train, bus, or plane leaves? Do you have all your tickets and IDs you’ll need for travel, or are you forgetting something? In addition to checking your packing list thoroughly, you’ll want to stay on top of all your travel plans as well. That goes for any family members you’re traveling with – this will help everyone avoid getting lost during hectic travel plans or in crowded airports.

Plan For Pets

While you’re away on vacation, you want to make sure your pets are well taken care of. Look into pet care options near you that can handle longer trips, like local cat boarding and dog boarding services. Pet specific boarding services, like local cat boarding or dog daycare, can make sure your pet enjoys your vacation just as much as you will. Instead of having to worry about whether you’ll be coming home to a mess, you can make the most of your vacation knowing your furry friend is well cared for.

Now that you’ve got your summer trip thoroughly planned, it’s time to make sure you’ve got vacation plans set up for your pets as well. For more information on pet boarding services to keep your pets happy, safe, and healthy while you’re on vacation, contact Eastern Shore Pet Resort today.

Booking a Hotel in Phoenix? Bring your pets with you!

How to Pamper your Pets with Pet Boarding

Regardless if you are headed to Phoenix to visit family or to escape the cold winter months in DC, vacations are always best when you bring your best friends with you. No, I don’t mean your buddies from High School, I am talking about your pets! Cats, dogs, snakes, turtles, ostrich (ok . . . maybe not an ostrich), whatever pets you have, they would probably love to join you as you are out enjoying the Arizona Sunshine! We get it though – pets are a big responsibility, and sometimes you want to vacation to get away from responsibility . . . that’s where pet day care comes in!

Dog boarding? Check. Cat boarding? Check. Let us help pamper your dogs and cats in our local pet care where they can play and have fun while you vacation and relax! We have pet boarding services in Georgetown. Let’s be honest, it doesn’t matter if you love dogs or cats (or both!), you want them to be with you and to be happy. Doggy daycare is a great way to ensure your pet gets to take a vacation too! Did you know that 85 million of the 127 million households in the U.S. are pet owners? That’s over 60%! In addition to that, over 70% of apartment renters have pets as well! Don’t worry, you aren’t a crazy cat lady, we all love our pets, and we love indulging in making them happy and comfortable.

Benefits of Pet Boarding

Here are a few benefits of pet boarding:

  • Your dogs and cats get to spend time socializing and playing with other dogs and cats while you are relaxing! We know you love spending time with your animals, however there are some activities that just aren’t super pet friendly, like golf. If you are planning a day on the green, or a day at the spa, rather than leave your pets behind, bring them to a local pet boarding daycare to ensure they are happy and cared for.
  • You can relax, knowing your best friends (ok let’s be honest . . . they are more like your kids) are being cared for by professionals who love animals. Why leave your pets in the hands of the random neighbor down the street while you are gone? You know that life gets busy and they won’t be able to give your kids . . . I mean pets, the attention they deserve. Let’s face it, your neighbors have busy lives. Stuff comes up. So bring them with you to a pet daycare and ensure they get the attention they deserve.
  • You can see your pets any time you like! That’s right, drop your pets off and pick them up any time you would like. We want to make sure you have the chance to hike and play and love your pets the entire time you are out here on vacation. This really is the best of both worlds.

Can Cats Stay Home During Your Vacation?

Going out of town can be tricky when you have pets, which is why many people choose to adopt a cat into their family. Cats are supposedly lower maintenance pets than dogs, and can stand to be left alone for longer periods of time, right? Believe it or not, this is a common misconception. Cats need plenty of care too, which is why local cat boarding services might be the right choice for you if you’re a cat owner looking to travel.

Cats Need Love, Too

While it is true that cats tend to be more independent than dogs, that doesn’t mean they’ll always be perfectly fine with you leaving for days at a time. Cats, despite popular belief, do need to connect with humans or other animals for emotional security and stability. When you leave for days at a time, your cat might become nervous or distressed, especially if you don’t have someone staying with them. Cat boarding can help them relax while you’re away by keeping them in good company.

Keeping Out Of Trouble

Nobody likes coming home from vacation only to have a mess to clean up when you get back. Cats, when distressed or needing attention, can cause a mess in a lot of different ways. This is especially true for families living in a smaller space with a pet, like the 70% of apartment renters who own pets. If you want to avoid coming back from your vacation to a ruined home or apartment, pet boarding services can help.

Quality Care For Emergencies

Even if you have someone checking in on your cat while you’re away, things can go wrong. Pet emergencies are scary, but they do happen, and if you’re on vacation you want to be confident that your cat is going to be well taken care of. A pet-sitter only is visiting your pet for brief periods during the day, and might not always be there when you need them to be for your pet’s health and safety. Pet boarding ensures your pet has the best care around the clock while you’re away from home, keeping them happy and healthy.

Cat boarding services ensure that your cat is well taken care of, so you can enjoy your vacation to the fullest. For more information on cat boarding services and other forms of pet care, contact Eastern Shore Pet Resort today.

Going On Spring Break? Give Your Pets A Vacation, Too

dog daycareIt’s almost that time of year again; countless families will be packing up for warmer destinations for their family spring break vacations. However, there’s one family member you shouldn’t forget about in your travel plans: your pets. According to The American Pet Products Association, almost 85 million households have a pet. That’s a lot of cats and dogs that will need care during vacation time. One solution to your pet vacation problems? Give them vacations as well.

Pamper Your Pooch

Dog daycare or dog boarding services can be a great option for any time you’re going on an extended vacation. These services ensure that your dog is staying active and engaged while you’re gone, keeping them from sitting at home bored waiting for you to return. Dog daycare programs give your dog a place to run around and play, as well as meeting other local pets that can keep them company while you’re away.

Additionally, giving your dog a chance to go on vacation keeps them out of the house, where they might get themselves into a surprising amount of trouble while you’re away. Nobody wants to come home from vacation to a mess they have to clean up. Doggy daycare services keep your pet out of trouble and perfectly happy while you’re away.

Caring For Your Cat

When you’re going on vacation, you might think that your cat will be perfectly content hanging out at home. However, your cat can also benefit from pet boarding services as well. Even if your cat isn’t terribly social, cat boarding services will give your cat a chance to stay active and engaged in ways that they might not get to if they’re stuck at home alone. Additionally, cat boarding services ensure that your cat is safe and well taken care of while you’re away; no need to worry about them sneaking off to wander the neighborhood while you’re out. Cats, just like dogs, can get pampered and enjoy your vacation with the right pet care services.

Want more information on scheduling pet boarding services while you’re on vacation? Contact Eastern Shore Pet Resort today to learn more.

Contact Us:

Phone: 302-777-PLAY (7529)
Fax: 302-858-4795
19022 Shingle Point Road,
Georgetown, DE 19947


Daycare: 8:00am-5:00pm
Boarding Check-in: 2:00pm-4:00pm
Boarding Check-out: 9:00am-12:00pm
Early Drop-off/Check-in: $15
Late Pick-up/Check-out: $15

Revenues generated by the Eastern Shore Pet Resort help support the Brandywine Valley SPCA Animal Rescue Center’s (ARC) primary mission of animal rescue and rehabilitation services.

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